Hello my dear friends!
I hope that this spring has brought newness and freshness to everyone.
I realize that many of you are still dealing with the tail end of winter. I know last week my family in Chicago was still dealing with freezing weather.
But take heart, spring always comes around, and when it does, it brings with it such beauty and a desire to start fresh, that its well worth the wait.
One of my favorite springtime events is watching my Wisteria bloom. First the velvety buds, then a flower or two, and before I realize it I step out of my back door and stand under a canopy of the beautiful lavender blue blooms that hang almost like bunches of grapes.
The scent is heavenly, and to hear the bees and bumble bees just buzzing and collecting pollen everywhere, is almost too much. I sometimes can't believe that all this beauty is in my own backyard!!!
I cannot even begin to describe the total loveliness, just beautiful blooms on bare wood, no leaves to distract or take away from their beauty.
I enjoy being in my backyard as much as I can, I try to sit out there to read, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, or just sit and do absolutely nothing.
In a week or two, the blooms will all have fallen, (that's another beautiful stage, it's like flowers falling from the sky) and new leaves will start to grow. These will be our much needed summertime shade. This is the most beautiful climber I have ever seen anywhere.
So many other things going on in my backyard, and I will share them all with you over the next couple of weeks.
For now, I hope you all have a wonderful week, full of all of Gods
awesome creations.
Hugs and hugs to all!!!!